Residential Window Cleaning in Edmonton

By Patrick Juma, Sep 03, 2022

Alert: 3 Costly Misconceptions About Home Service Providers

If you’re like many homeowners, you've heard of stories about the nightmares homeowners have experienced with unethical, unqualified, and unscrupulous service providers. These stories are a tragedy and they cast a dark shadow on the whole industry.

Photo of a homemakeover collage. Window Cleaning in Edmonton

Chances are… you may even know someone who has had a bad experience.

The windows, gutters, and exterior surfaces of your home are a substantial investment, and in most cases, it's one of the biggest investments you make in your home. You want to get the best value for the money you spend.

However, there are several misconceptions about home service providers that may lead you to getting you in big trouble.

I am going to expose three main misconceptions to help you make an informed and intelligent decision.

Misconception #1: As Long As The Company Is Insured, You’re Protected.

Not true! Be sure to ask if the General Liability Insurance includes “Care & Custody.” 99% DO NOT! Why is this important? If the window cleaner breaks a window, the insurance doesn’t cover the window, it covers anything else damaged as a result of the window breaking.

What about Worker’s Compensation? If a technician gets hurt on your property and the company or individual does not have insurance, YOU very well may be responsible for his compensation payments FOR AS LONG AS HE IS INJURED!! A recent survey conducted by the Insurtech Zensurance on 222 Canadian small business owners and self-employed professionals across the country revealed that 40% do not have business insurance! For your piece of mind and protection, All Clean Property Services is FULLY insured. Just ask to see our policies. Again, it makes you think twice about a low price.

Misconception #2: Hire The Company That Offers The Lowest Price.

The price you see offered may not be for the type of thorough service that meets or exceeds your expectations. If you want the window cleaner, the pressure washer, or the gutter cleaner to do a ‘not quite’ as good a job, then you can choose from dozens of companies that use inefficient or sub-standard cleaning methods.

They price low, therefore rush to perform a second-rate job. Their equipment and supplies are low-quality or not well-maintained and therefore cannot do a thorough job.

But they charge a low price to get in the door. Inferior equipment and the inferior approach that accompany them will literally give you what you pay for – a very poor cheap clean, not giving you what you thought you were paying for.

Misconception #3: The Price You See Advertised May Not Be The Price You Pay.

Some advertise around $95 for our services, then pressure you into paying a lot more once they arrive to your home. Sadly, some may even break the law by using illegal bait and switch tactics.

The only way you can make an intelligent decision is to have all the facts you need. Insist on a complete written quote before any work is performed so that you can protect yourself. No one can clean at that price without strong-arming additional sales, so look for a company that is not advertising a price that seems too good to be true… it usually unfortunately is. I know, it’s happened to me.

Now that you know:

  1. what to look for in a General Liability Insurance for your home service provider
  2. that the lowest price does not necessarily mean superior service
  3. the need to ask for written quotes,

You feel confident to make informed, intelligent decision on your next home service provider.

At All Clean Property Services, we are fully insured and take pride in offering the best value.

Because of this, we stay busy and will soon

be booked up, so CALL NOW.


 Request a quote now! 

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Residential Window Cleaning in Edmonton

About the author
Patrick Juma

Patrick Juma, The founder & CEO of ALL CLEAN Property Services. You can find him on Linkedin.

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Patrick Juma

Regards, Patrick Juma
(Lead Consultant, Purple Marketing Group)

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